Saturday, July 3, 2010

Short post with contest

Greetings from Bath. Not the bathtub, nor The Green Bathtub (couldn't resist Amy), but Bath, UK.
A quick view of the building our flat is located in.

My husband, Uwe, is currently taking his final class here at the university. And we are taking a vaca. I'll be posting about all our summer adventures at a later time; probably in a few days because Germany plays Argentina (World Cup Game) in less than an hour and I just don't think I can get the girls to sleep, clean up the kitchen, download the pics and write another blog post all in that time.
But, I wanted to stop and post this really fun contest by KarenG. She's giving away a fun book for her Let-tuce Read Contest. So jump over there and enter.

Hope you all have a great 4th and a safe weekend. I'll post what we did on is always interesting celebrating July 4th in another country other than the USA.


A.L. Sonnichsen said...

LOL! MaDonna, I've always wanted to go to Bath. Have a blast!! :)

MaDonna Maurer said...

We are having way too much fun...well, as much as you can with 3 kiddos who just want to feed the birds, play at the kids park, and eat ice-cream. Thank goodness there are birds everywhere we go. HA!

Jenny said...

So fun! I can't wait to travel over there.

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