Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plan B

The last few days have been rough between me and my five year old daughter. I'm not sure all the reasons. We are VERY different.

She LOVES the color pink, I'm not a fan.
She LIKES jewelry, I forget to wear it.
She LIKES cats, I like dogs.
She's a girlie girl, and I'm, well, not.

But, just being different isn't the reason, well not the main one. She has been having trouble obeying...specifically telling the truth. We have dealt with this issue a few times and I seriously thought she figured out that telling the truth was so much better than sipping vinegar. Guess she's forgotten.

So, Plan B
Mother/Daughter Dates.

This morning we had our first....just the two of us. It wasn't anything spectacular or grand. It was breakfast at 7-11. Yes, you read right 7-11...
We sat outside under the umbrella tables. She with her chocolate covered doughnut and strawberry yogurt. Me with my "xiao bing" (Chinese pastry) and latte.
We talked about school and her friends.
She daydreamed about a princess and prince marrying....which she told me was me and Uwe (ok, that was cute).

Today was better....really good. Maybe she is just getting to that age where she needs special time with her mom. She is the youngest and her sister has special needs, which requires more attention. So, I think that we will be having Mother/Daughter Dates more often. Maybe once a month...time where we just get to hang out and talk. I'm sure as she gets older I will come to really appreciate these times together....just the two of us.

For those of you who are mothers to you do anything like this? For those of you that are daughters.....did you have times like this with your mom?


A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Very cute! I don't do special dates with my daughters, but it is something we've talked about doing ... just figuring out the logistics is challenging -- and making sure everything's FAIR. :) But I think this is a great idea. I hope it helps!

Big Island Gal said...

Yes very proactive and astute of you. I truly need to this more... We are sooo different and at times she even bugs me, but yes, I do treasure having a relationship with her. She loves shopping for her, it's a chore for me... but sometimes just doing window shopping in a mall and sharing a soda somewhere is worth it. Great motivation for me.

MaDonna Maurer said...

Thanks, ladies...I was thinking this morning that maybe I should make it an award based date. Meaning, maybe after so many stars/stickers she gets to have a date with me....that way I'm encouraging good behavior not bad...what do you think? Amy, that might be an idea with your girls, then it totally is up to them to earn the time with mom....then when they are may have to have a once a month per daughter or something like that. =)

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