Thursday, February 24, 2011

Homeschool Wrap-up...Letter Tracing (and I'm in need of help!)

I must confess that the last few weeks I've not been the best teacher. I don't like excuses, but here they are anyway:
1. I was not feeling real great last week.
2. The Hub is gone this week.
3. I feel uncreative, so I can't come up with theme ideas.

Bible: Girls are still working on the Lord's prayer and it is coming along. Not as fast as I had planned out, but coming along.

Megan:  She is progressing in the phonics and writing lowercase letters. Some days are easier for her than others, but moving forward. I'm going to start a sticker reward chart for her. She is HUGE into rewards (what kid isn't?). I think that will help motivate her to do her best work.

Matthea:  So, this week, we've really just focused on Letter Tracing. I started having her trace letters that have straight lines. For example: Tt, Ll, Ii, H, E, F
I got this idea from Learning to Write. They have the simple tracers, but not the tracers for letters. They do, however, suggest you make them just like I did with a highlighter.  I used the green dots for starting and red dots for stopping. I laminated them, and she uses white board markers to trace with. Then we can erase and reuse.  Matthea is getting the idea. I still do hand over hand with her on these, but I let her control the stopping of the lines.  Next week I plan to let her do some on her own to see what she does.

Help! As for themes....could I ask for some help? Could you leave a comment with an idea or a few ideas for me to do this spring. I have a few ideas, but not enough to fill up the entire rest of the this school year.  I can find lessons, crafts, etc...but for some reason coming up with ideas is just overwhelming me right now. (probably due to the fact that we are moving in a few months and all the changes that are going to happen! YIKES!  One day I'll get around to posting about that change...)

And, thanks ahead of time!


Unknown said...

An idea I've used off and on is to use one good picture book as a theme each week.

Here's a link to get you started:

I've not ever really considered purchasing the curriculum discussed at all, but DO like the concept A LOT.

Anonymous said...

Coming up with the entire curriculum on your own sounds difficult! We are done with our Kindergarten curriculum. I'd be happy to send it to you. I know you could adapt it to whatever fits your school. For me, having a springboard to start is always helpful.

Dying to hear an update on the big changes ahead (or did I miss them someplace?)

Take care and God bless,

MaDonna Maurer said...

Kim, Thanks so much. I haven't had time to check out that site yet with Uwe just getting back...but will do that tomorrow. =)

Linda, could you? It isn't too heavy is it? I mean I know books weigh quite a bit, but I'd be interested in it for sure!
As for changes, I've not posted anything much. Uwe did not resign his contract for MCA. But, we are staying in Taipei for another year, at least. We'll see what happens...I really should blog about it, but there are so many unknowns even to this day that I'm afraid we'd sound really stupid for this type of a move. But, it has been a God thing from the start, so it's not stupid, right? =)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Have you seen the home schooling site currentclick? It has lots of plans/ideas on it. They do some workshops and hey seem to do quite a bit for free.

Feel free to email me. I can help you come you with ideas. I taught elementary schol for almost 17 years.

MaDonna Maurer said...

Sharon, thanks a bunch. I'm just feeling "blah". I haven't seen that website, so I'm gonna check it out.

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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