Anyway, here are some pics of things we've been doing this week:
Materials used: felt, safety pin, and stapler. |
Final product! |
We made mats. Normally I'd make these out of paper, but knowing that Jie Jie would tear the paper we used felt. I put a safety pin at one end of the strip to use like a needle. I cut five slits in the green felt. Then I cut out three white and two red strips. After the first weave we stapled the strip down so she wouldn't pull the strip out each time. Then we stapled the other end of the strip after she finished weaving. I had to help her push the "needle" through, but she pulled it out on her own each time.
"Carefully" pouring water... |
The other winter activity we did this week was making her own book, The Colors of Winter. I downloaded this little book from Musings of Me. Each page is simple with a one word sentence. (eg. The scarf is purple.) We read it together and then Jie Jie colored the pages. She had more fun with this than I thought she would. If you'd like to do one click here.
And now for the is about me. I entered a contest a few months ago with WOW! e-zine. I just found out today that I made it past the first round of judging. That means I'm in the top 100 or so of around 300 entries. (just sprinkles...) I'll find out in a few weeks if I made the top 10, which is the second round. Anyway, I haven't won, but it sure did brighten my day just getting that fun bit of news in my inbox. =)
Hi McDonna,
I found your blog through WOW! Congratulations making it through the first round of judging. WOW! is a great writing community.
Donna Volkenannt
Thanks Donna! Glad you stopped by. I'll be heading your way soon to check out your site soon!
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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